Female twins over 70

I am in need of some cast for a BBC World Cup job.  Project: BBC Women’s World Cup Location: within M25 Dates: 28 – 30 June 2023 – They’ll only be needed for one of the days. But pencil all for now.  PLS NOTE WE ARE IDEALLY LOOKING FOR REAL FOOTBALL FANS TWINS Elderly twins (ideally identical or very…

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Older male twins (40–99 years)

Older male twins (Male, 40–99 years)We’d like some options for male twins aged 40+, any ethnicity. Preferably with aged or weathered skin, lean and with interesting faces! Playing age: 40–99 yearsContract type: Equity Shorts/Festival Only FilmsContract info: £300 pd Casting details: First round self tapesPossible round of zoom meetings with myself & MatildaFinal round in person recalls in London…

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6yr old twin boys

Sorry this breakdown has little information on it, but I want to start looking around for these boys ASAP. A more thorough breakdown will go out in the coming weeks. 6yr old twin boys – neutral accent. Based anywhere in the UK. The boys can be caucasian or mixed heritage. Update: I am looking for twin boys to play…

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British Southern-Asian Muslim Family (16–98 years)

British Southern-Asian Muslim Family (16–98 years) **Please note that we are only accepting applications from real families who are London-based. **NOTE THAT ANY CHILDREN MUST BE ABOVE LICENSING AGE (POST-GCSE). We are looking for a multi generational family group from the British Southern-Asian Muslim community, specifically including women who wear the hijab (eg Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi etc. heritage) who…

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Chinese boy (7-12) and parents (30-45)

CHINESE BOY & PARENTS (Female, Male, 7–45 years) LOOKING FOR REAL CHINESE FAMILIES OF THREE: BOY, MUM & DAD to play: Shy Kid (7-12)Shy Kid Mum (30-45)Shy Kid Dad (30-45) Appearance: Chinese Self tapes due next weekProduction dates: Recalls: 9th and 10th June. In personTravel date: 3rd JulyWardrobe that dayShoot 5th – 16th July – kids likely to be…

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KID (MALE, 7–9 YEARS) x 1 child approx. 7 yrs old (or someone who can pass for a 7 yr old), biracial who are Characteristically androgynous. *LOOKING FOR DANCERS FOR THIS ROLE. THE SCENE WILL BE MUCH MORE FOCUSSED ON THE MOVEMENTS OF THE CHILD, SO KIDS WITH AN INTEREST IN DANCE ARE DESIRABLE.* Playing age: 7–9 years Gender:…

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Mixed race girl, 5 years

JESS (Female, 5–5 years) 5 years old (ideally slightly older girls to play down but must convincingly play 5)Dual heritage little girl (father is Caucasian) who is happy go lucky living with her loving Dad.Mostly non speaking but might be a couple of lines. A few eps across the series.Natural Southern UK accents only.We need a really natural young…

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Baby Girls (including twins) (2-6 months)

Baby Girls (including twin options) (Female, Any playing age)Babies! Broadly we’re looking at 2 months to 6 months. We’re matching to specific adults now, hence the specific ethnicities. So please suggest with that on mind. We’re keen to see any possible twins in the mix. Appearance: Asian, Indian, Pakistani / White mix – please specify on app form Casting…

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