Sub-Saharan African talent (25 – 30)

Looking for talent who are magnetic, charismatic and warm with a natural sense of style and edge. They must feel at ease expressing themselves, through their style movement
and expression. Tattoos welcome!

Talent should be youthful and collectively reflect a diverse range of ethnicities from Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Female model (16-18)

Full of the attitude and confidence of a young 18 year old. Doesn’t care what anyone thinks, just keen to get her opinion across. Over-talker. Doesn’t see social boundaries. Super Strong ,London vibes. Someone with a bit pzzzazzz, comedy timing and…

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Identical Female Twins (Female, 28–37 years)

Female identical twins, playing late-20s to late-30s (ideally somewhere in the middle of that range).

Identical is the point for the performance, so any practical differences (hair length/colour etc) need to be flagged please.

Suggestions can include a non-actor twin. If that’s the case, notes with details please.

Diverse, representative ideas. Passports needed. Avoid anyone with conflicting (Actimel) commercial work.

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Identical Male Twins (Male, 45–60 years)

Male identical twins, playing mid-40s to 50s (ideally somewhere in the middle of that range).

Identical is the point for the performance, so any practical differences (hair length/colour etc) need to be flagged please.

Suggestions can include a non-actor/Spotlight twin. If that’s the case, notes with details please.

Diverse, representative ideas. Passports needed. Avoid anyone with conflicting commercial work.

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Male, Female, 16–25 years

Internal B2B awareness video. The role is for a student talking to the camera about cyber security awareness for students. You’ll be required on set for no more than 2 hours. Playing age 16-25.

You must be born and raised in Britain, America, Germany, France or Japan (please state in app form) and have authentic accent.

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