Apply for Sole Representation

We only accept a small number of performers for sole representation to minimise internal competition. They will be given submission and familial priority.

Before you decide to apply for sole representation with TV Twins, you must be aware of and agree to commit to the following:

  1. Sole rep performers will be submitted for roles they fit the brief for – without prior application or notification – and expected to respond to all emails promptly.
  2. In-person castings are often last minute, sometimes with as little as 24 hours’ notice and are mostly in London or Manchester. Although we do our best to arrange suitable times, you’re expected to attend any offered. This excludes holidays and important dates that you will keep us informed about.
  3. Performers must be on, or willing to join, Spotlight and name TV Twins as their sole agent.
  4. Each performer has an individual profile on TV Twins – which must be kept up to date and professional looking at all times, and you will provide TV Twins with your full CV and an annual intro self-tape.
  5. You are applying for sole representation which means you are not permitted to be with any other agency during this contract period (for one year from the date on your profile).

Answer the questions below to apply for sole representation with TV Twins – we will respond to all applications within 7-days…

    Do you already have a TV Twins profile?

    What is the performer's full name?

    What's your TV Twins username?

    Are we already named as your agent on Spotlight?

    Are you currently on Spotlight?

    What's your Spotlight pin?

    PLEASE CHANGE YOUR AGENT: Sign in to Spotlight, select ‘Manage my agents’ and add TV Twins. Ensure you remove any other agents.

    Please upload your CV

    Who is applying for Sole Representation?

    To join Spotlight you must meet certain criteria. Please select which you meet, you can only choose one for the purpose of the application.

    Please state your professional performance credits

    Please list your professional performance training

    Please upload your recommendation

    When you submit this form, you'll be sent an email with an invitation link for your child to join Spotlight as a Young Performer under TV Twins.

    Please initiate your membership to Spotlight as an Adult Performer - this link will also be in your email confirmation on submission of this form.

    Please register on our website first, before we can consider you for Sole Representation.

    Thank you. Now, please tick the areas you are able to attend castings in, and agree to the Commitments below before clicking 'Apply'...

    Casting region(s)

    We expect you to attend any in-person castings offered in these areas:  North (Scotland, North East, North West, York & Humber, Northern Ireland) and/or  South (East Midlands, West Midlands, East Anglia, South East, South West, Wales), where self-tape or zoom is unavailable.

    Client commitments
    1. I agree to respond to all emails promptly
    2. I am fully available for work and will attend any zoom or in-person castings offered in the area(s) agreed (excluding unavailable dates logged in my Diary), and submit self-tapes on time
    3. I will name TV Twins as my sole agent on Spotlight
    4. I will provide my full CV and keep my profiles up to date at all times
    5. I will terminate all connections with any other agency during this contract period

    Agency commitments
    1. We agree to respond to all emails promptly
    2. We will submit you above any other client for appropriate briefs
    3. We will inform you by email of any offers or feedback from casting professionals
    4. We will help and advice on request or where we deem necessary
    5. We will be responsible and pro-active sole agents

    Thanks, please click ‘Apply’ below and we'll assess the information you've provided and be in touch shortly to let you know the outcome of this sole rep request.

    Sole Rep FAQs

    How do you decide who to offer a place to? >>

    What is Spotlight? >>

    Are there any fees? >>

    TV Twins is already my agent on Spotlight. >>

    What would it mean for twins? >>

    Does it matter where in the UK I live? >>

    Do I need to provide professional photographs? >>

    Will my child have to take time off school for shoots and castings? >>

    Can you guarantee work? >>

    How can I terminate this contract? >>

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