Twins (Female, 12–13 years)

Twins (Female, 12–13 years) Identical twin girls who might play anywhere from 12-13 years old. Please suggest diversely to include a range of ethnicities & body types. Memorable, interesting people. If they have a younger sibling/cousin that fits the below, please say! Niece (Female, 7–9 years) An eccentric little girl who might play anywhere from 7-9 years old. Please…

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Identical boy and girl twins (6-12 years)

GIRL TWINS: IDENTICAL (AFRICAN AMERICAN) (Female, 8-12 years) BOY TWINS: IDENTICAL (AFRICAN AMERICAN) (Female, 6-10 years) Confident and love to dance. Casting type: In-Person (Greater London)Casting details: URGENT- KIDS SUNDAY 20TH Production dates: 11TH-17TH SEPT – PORTUGAL Travel Day £150 Fitting £150Rehearsal / Down Day£150 Shoot Day£ 250 Chaperone£150USAGE: ALL MOVING MEDIA INTERNET/SOCIALS/INDUSTRIAL ONLY £4000. PRINT ONLY: ALL PRINT…

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IDENTICAL TWINS (6-12 years)

GIRL TWINS: IDENTICAL: Playing age 9-12, Olive skin, Latin looks, confident girl, who loves to dance. BOY TWINS: IDENTICAL: Playing age 6-10 Olive skin, Latin looks, confident happy fun kids, who likes to dance. SHOOTING DATES: 11TH-17TH SEPTCASTING DATE: 20/21/22 AUGCALLBACKS: 29th Aug 2023 KIDS: Travel Day £150, Fitting £150, Rehearsal / Down Day £150, Shoot Day £ 250,…

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