Twin boys (7-8 years)
I need to look for more twins. They need to be aged 7-8 very cute. Anyone now back from holidays?
I need to look for more twins. They need to be aged 7-8 very cute. Anyone now back from holidays?
They would be looking to cast a set of twins (20-30y) as the ‘lead character’, to portray two different scenarios happening simultaneously on camera.
They are also looking to cast another set of female twins (20-30y) as a ‘friend character’, during one scene.
ASIAN Female in her 20s. Fun and vibrant appearance and energy. Ideally green or hazel eyes and light brunette or blonde hair but happy to see people with similar complexion and look to the reference shot who are happy for their hair to be dyed / cut and to wear contact lenses.
Playing age: 7–10 years
Contract type: Overseas – Paid
Casting type: Online, Self-Tape, In-Person (County Dublin, Ireland)
Hiring preference: No preference specified
Casting details: Second round auditions will be held in-person, in a couple of locations, TBC.
We are looking for highly experienced cute boy aged 7-9. Who Are happy and confident with Dogs.
Toddler Jack is a 2-4 year old, male toddler – confident and mischievous. For clarity, we will ask for specific tapes based on selects. All suggestions need to be licensable in a maximum of 7 clear working days. Greater London area ideas please, towards a Hertfordshire shoot.
Mum, Dad, Grandparents. Three kids. Ages 6- 76. Open on ethnicity
We’re looking for real families with kids aged: 6 & 9 years old.
We are looking for the quitensically British family. This should be a snap shot of modern Britain. Full of character and faces that tell a story in an instant. Whoever we find will be instantly likeable, relatable…
We’re looking for babies, up to 3 months old. Any gender, covering a broad range of diversity please.
Suggestions should be London-area based and we have a maximum of 10 clear working days to license.
Any age, any ethnicity, most important thing is not glam, but tall, slender and identical. Normal looking women, its set in 1720’s. Shooting in Epping, London 21-22nd Oct. Paying FAA. The role is featured so will have creative reaction fee added on. Need to have good acting ability, specific action but no dialogue.
We are looking for boy identical twins who preferably are experienced. Able to do some comedy.
The Most important thing is they need to feel comfortable working with dogs. Ideally dog owners or have spent time with dogs.
The boys can be no younger than 7 ( local Law).