I am looking for identical twin girls who can act! They must speak English and will be taught a bit of Sweidsh! A new series for a major streaming service. IDENTICAL CAUCASIAN TWIN GIRLS. ALICE (Female, 8–11 years)We are looking identical twin girls (8-11 years old by the time filming starts in May) to share the portrayal of the…

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SISTERS (Female, 7–9 years)

Aged 7 and 8. Two scrappy girls. Intentionally disrupting a cricket game. Picking on EWAN. Accents: Yorkshire and Yorkshire based ONE SCENE (Feature film) Contract type: Equity – PACT Rehearsal TBC: w/c 28th FebruaryShoot: 2nd March – 8th April 2022

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Twins (Male, 7–8 years)

We have been asked to expand this search to include 7-8yr olds. Brown eyes/Brown hair. Mixed-race black/Caucasian or Afro-Latino. Twins will play one role in this feature film. Appearance: Latin American, Mixed Race

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Mixed sex twins (6-8 years)

To play: Male 6 years old. More sanguine than his sister, interested in Minecraft and other games. Female 6 years old. Curious and impetuous child who uses tantrums to get what she wants. Yorkshire/Northern accent! Television shoot: Production dates: overall shooting dates April 25th – 17th October 2022, UK Contract type: Equity – Above Minimum

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Identical and non identical twins (11-13)

We’re currently looking for 2 female twins (identical or non-identical) with a playing age of 12-13 for great roles in an upcoming TV series. We’d be looking for good availability between May and end of September 2022. These are great roles, so they need to be very strong and capable. Age 12, they are two peas in a pod. They…

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CHILD CASTING (Female, 9–11 years)

Please suggest for this super 10 year old child role in upcoming Netflix 8 part series. This role shoots in Spain and will have options so please bear this in mind when making suggestions. HARPER – scripted as 10 years old.Looking for excellent young actress aged 9 – 10 (or a v small 11).NO SUGGESTIONS OVER 11 YEARS OLD…

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Identical twin girls (8-11 years old)

I am looking for identical twin girls! If you have twins who only speak English we may be able to teach them some Swedish, so please still suggest them if they have only one language. ALICE (Female, 8–11 years)We are looking identical twin girls (8-11 years old by the time filming starts in May) to share the portrayal of…

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BULLY 1&2 (TWINS) (Male, 10–13 years)

Feature Film casting. “Terrorizes the neighborhood kids. looks like they come from an Artic Mad Max. Blunt, mean, doesn’t scare easy. Scoffs at rules.” Looking for twins to play these roles. AMERICAN ACCENT – PREFERABLY MID-WEST IF POSSIBLE Children 12-18 can enter Bulgaria with a negative PCR test. Children under 12 are exempt from quarantine and the requirement to…

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Twin brothers (age 20/30)

The director of a 5 minutes short film shooting in London on March 12th / 13th is looking for male twins. The story is a psychological thriller about male mental health in current society. The main character, Paul (20-30), is hunted from and eventually meets his doppelganger, which I want to be represented as an exact copy of Paul….

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