I am looking for identical twin girls!
If you have twins who only speak English we may be able to teach them some Swedish, so please still suggest them if they have only one language.
ALICE (Female, 8–11 years)
We are looking identical twin girls (8-11 years old by the time filming starts in May) to share the portrayal of the leading role of Alice in an exciting new drama for a major streaming service. Filming in Germany from May – December 2022.
Alice is scripted as being WHITE European heritage and 9yrs old. She is bright, sweet and inquisitive, with emotional intelligence way beyond her years. Portraying this role requires real focus, expressiveness, and huge emotional range. This is a large acting role.
Ideally the identical twins would be bilingual and able to speak English and some SWEDISH. However, if you represent super bright twins who tick all the boxes bar Swedish language, there is a possibility we may be able to teach them some Swedish, so please do suggest them.
Height: Any height
Gender: Female
Appearance: White
Contract type: Equity – Above Minimum
Contract info: EQUITY TV – Above Minimum
Casting location: United Kingdom
Production dates: May 2022 – December 2022
Production location: Germany