Female Twins 6 – 10 years old

Female: 6 – 10 years old (should read around 7 – 8 years old).

We’d especially love to see twins for this one but we’re absolutely open for individual child artists too.

She’s happy go lucky, bright eyed and has a natural joyful energy about her.

She’s the type of kid who’s inquisitive about the world with a dash of tomboy mischief.


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ROLES – KIDS – DANCER (ANY GENDER, 6–10 YEARS) – Unique facial features, a toothless smile, protruding ears, big glasses etc. Must be a strong dancer, confident and have a great sense of humour.

We are casting a fun dance filled fastfood commercial and looking for a variety of people, some excellent dancers and some amatuer movers but all with…

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Twin Girls aged 7 – 10

Looking for confident young actors who can be determined, cheeky, funny and adventurous!

*shooting abroad so must have valid passport*

Girl aged 7 – 10 (but should look closer to 7) Ethnicity non-specific. Please also submit IDENTICAL twins as well as individual actors.

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