TWIN BROTHERS (Identical and non identical) (Male, 4–7 years)

TWIN BROTHERS (Identical and non identical) (Male, 4–7 years) Looking for IDENTICAL OR NON-IDENTICAL TWIN Caucasian boys with a playing age of 4 years old. Must have a good connection & be cheeky/confident. Being brothers of this age, they’re the type to rile each other up, poke fun at one another, compete for attention and of course want to…

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6yr old twin boys

Sorry this breakdown has little information on it, but I want to start looking around for these boys ASAP. A more thorough breakdown will go out in the coming weeks. 6yr old twin boys – neutral accent. Based anywhere in the UK. The boys can be caucasian or mixed heritage. Update: I am looking for twin boys to play…

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KID (MALE, 7–9 YEARS) x 1 child approx. 7 yrs old (or someone who can pass for a 7 yr old), biracial who are Characteristically androgynous. *LOOKING FOR DANCERS FOR THIS ROLE. THE SCENE WILL BE MUCH MORE FOCUSSED ON THE MOVEMENTS OF THE CHILD, SO KIDS WITH AN INTEREST IN DANCE ARE DESIRABLE.* Playing age: 7–9 years Gender:…

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Baby Girls (including twins) (2-6 months)

Baby Girls (including twin options) (Female, Any playing age)Babies! Broadly we’re looking at 2 months to 6 months. We’re matching to specific adults now, hence the specific ethnicities. So please suggest with that on mind. We’re keen to see any possible twins in the mix. Appearance: Asian, Indian, Pakistani / White mix – please specify on app form Casting…

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I am a London-based Casting Director currently looking for Fraternal twins for a confidential Sony feature film. The roles are due to shoot one day in mid-August in London. Please see below for more information. It’s quite a specific brief and there are a couple of lines for each character in US accent. Characters portrayed are MALE/FEMALE FRATERNAL TWINS,…

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Twins (Male, 6–9 years)

Twins (Male, 6–9 years) Boys with playing age of 6/7. Young looking for their age. Very confident, a very natural performer with a slightly timeless look. He is real and authentic, not over styled . We are casting for a boy with a cinematic feel and must be strong at taking direction. Good imagination, day dreamer. He has an…

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IDENTICAL TWINS (Any gender, 5–9 years)

IDENTICAL TWINS (Any gender, 5–9 years) Boys or girls. They might be anywhere from 5 – 9 years. These should be total cuties. Not model perfect children, but still memorable & cute as anything. Open to all genders. Please suggest diversely & include all ethnicities. BSF £180RECALL FEE £50 Casting: Initially by self-tape. Deadline Monday 22nd May 18:00Recall: Thursday…

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