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Headshots (4)

Category: Headshots
  1. Click the ‘edit profile’ link in your email
  2. Click on the ‘Gallery’ tab
  3. Remove the existing headshot or galley pics by clicking the X
  4. Save your profile (under ‘Submit’ tab)
  5. Go back to ‘Gallery’ and upload new pic(s)
  6. Save your profile again

You’re allowed ONE main headshot and up to TWELVE gallery pics.

If having problems, email pics to media@tvtwins.uk or upload photos to Dropbox.

Tags: photos, profile
Category: Headshots

Email clearly labelled pics to media@tvtwins.uk or upload photos to Dropbox. Failing that you can Whatsapp them to us in ONE go please!!

Tags: photos, profile
Category: Headshots

If you don’t have headshots, we won’t be able to submit you for any work at all.

Photos don’t have to be professional, just recent, well-framed and well-lit (see HOW TO TAKE A DECENT HEADSHOT)…

  • If you are serious about this as any sort of career or hobby, it’s in your interest to get headshots done.
  • Bad headshots will give the impression you’re not photogenic and therefore not worth booking.

As you can see from our website, a performer’s main headshot is LANDSCAPE (4:3 wide), but we also require gallery pics as 4:3 or 3:4 (landscape or portrait), so if we’ve deleted your chosen headshot and cropped an alternative, please don’t replace it with one we’ve already seen. Stick it in the gallery instead!


1. MAIN/Joint headshot

This is the most important photo and your main (landscape) profile pic; should be a close-up of siblings together; heads and shoulders; recent, and as near a likeness as possible, i.e. natural. Not edited together! Not taken from above or below – subject to be at eye level with the photographer!

You can submit photos taken on a phone, just consider your surroundings – a plain, white background is best. Frame the pic with both of your heads together.

No hats, sunglasses, school logos, text/image effects… nothing hiding your faces! We also don’t want pouting or posing, glamour shots, sleeping or bath-time photos! Natural, unfiltered and recent please, no filter, effects or flash!

2. Gallery Images: 

Apart from your main headshot, you can also add a further selection of different looks, together and separately. Please include Single headshots, which should be of individual siblings alone, close-up head and shoulders, recent and as near a likeness as possible, i.e. natural; plus full length options.


You profile cannot be published without a joint headshot. Please arrange to get one done as soon as possible.


Without individual headshots, we can’t submit you for work alone (without your twin).

Email pics to media@tvtwins.uk or upload via Dropbox (new photos only – not pics already on your profile!)

Tag: photos
Category: Headshots

We don’t expect professional headshots from everyone, but we do expect you putting in a little effort to get them looking decent.

Your MAIN HEADSHOT needs to be in landscape (wide 4:3) mode, not portrait or square!

[Source: kirbypartners.com]
  1. The surroundings need to be considered – best with a solid-coloured wall, blue sky or trees behind the model.
    • Tip: If model has light hair, consider a darker background and vice versa.
  2. The model should stand up straight and tall, with shoulders back and chin lifted toward the camera.
    • Tip: Hair should be washed, dry and preferably loose, wear natural make-up and simple clothes.
    • Tip: Twins – heads need to be close! Stand back to back, one behind the other, or face eachother and turn heads towards the camera.
  3. The photographer should hold the camera at eye level (or just below) and the model framed in portrait mode.
    • Tip: A well-placed tripod or stack of books may help prop up the phone!
    • Tip: If shooting indoors, stand about 3 feet from the backdrop, face a window, and place the camera between the window and the model. 

Here’s a helpful video on how to take passport photos on your phone!

Take a selection with various natural facial expressions, and upload to your profile, or email pics to media@tvtwins.uk or upload via Dropbox or ask first if we can accept them on Whatsapp

Here are some examples of what we’re after:

Tags: photos, profile
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