White Girl (6–8 years)

5 years old when we meet her, but ages up to 8yrs – so a small 7yr old would work best. A bright, intelligent, well spoken little girl. Appears in 3 episodes.

Playing age: 6–8 years
Gender: Female
Appearance: White

Production dates: Over all shoot dates: November 20th 2023 – February 9th 2024, but child role not currently scheduled to shoot until the beginning of January 2024 until Feb 9th
Casting type: Online, Self-Tape, In-Person (Greater London, England)
Production location: Greater London, England

Briefs may change so please check back!

If you fit the brief and we have you on Spotlight, we have already submitted you 🙂

DON’T DELAY, APPLY TODAY! As always, your TV Twins profile must be up to date with recent headshots and details relevant to this brief. Apply via the application form below.

GOT A QUESTION? Us the app form below, then the agent dealing with this job can advise!

Before you apply, please check:

✓ You’re a fully registered member of TV Twins with a live profile.

✓ You’ve not appeared in competitive advertising within the last two years.

✓ You’re legally entitled to work in the UK with relevant documents and paperwork in place.

✓ You’re available on the dates specified and can get yourself to the casting venue.

Upload clearly named relevant images to Dropbox, or add them to your Profile

    Application Form:

    In case of repeating error on submission of form, email above info to apply@tvtwins.uk

    Miss Austen (TV)