TWINS (Any gender, 5–11 years)

We are after children of varying age, height, race and ability that represent all children from all the schools around the UK & ROI. Should represent primary school age between 5-11 years old. Casting location: Greater London, England, United KingdomCasting details: Saturday 8th JulyProduction dates: SHOOT: 1st and 2nd August Only suggest if they can come to a casting……

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TWIN BROTHERS (Identical and non identical) (Male, 4–7 years)

TWIN BROTHERS (Identical and non identical) (Male, 4–7 years) Looking for IDENTICAL OR NON-IDENTICAL TWIN Caucasian boys with a playing age of 4 years old. Must have a good connection & be cheeky/confident. Being brothers of this age, they’re the type to rile each other up, poke fun at one another, compete for attention and of course want to…

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Mixed race girl, 5 years

JESS (Female, 5–5 years) 5 years old (ideally slightly older girls to play down but must convincingly play 5)Dual heritage little girl (father is Caucasian) who is happy go lucky living with her loving Dad.Mostly non speaking but might be a couple of lines. A few eps across the series.Natural Southern UK accents only.We need a really natural young…

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IDENTICAL TWINS (Any gender, 5–9 years)

IDENTICAL TWINS (Any gender, 5–9 years) Boys or girls. They might be anywhere from 5 – 9 years. These should be total cuties. Not model perfect children, but still memorable & cute as anything. Open to all genders. Please suggest diversely & include all ethnicities. BSF £180RECALL FEE £50 Casting: Initially by self-tape. Deadline Monday 22nd May 18:00Recall: Thursday…

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Black or mixed race girl (4–5 years)

ONE girl | 4-6yrs old. Quirky, characterful kids (Female, 4–5 years) Black or mixed race girl, full of confidence and chatter. 4-5yrs old girls, funny, quirky kids with attitude. A girl around 4-6 who ideally looks passable as 5 or under. These kids need to be fun and exuberant little characters who aren’t afraid of the camera. They need…

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Twins (3-5years)

We are looking for some young twins (identical/similar-looking boy twins and girl twins) between 3 and 5 years old for an online food brand commercial. It would be over a 1 or possibly 2 day shoot – In the next month. Shoot would be in London. Ideally need 3 / 4 sets of twins. Basically its eating food, playing…

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Siblings (5-8)

We are looking for the following options – please state in app form… The children MUST know each other please (siblings, friends, cousins, etc.) and look like genuine siblings – we are NOT looking for solo submissions. Please make a note of their relationship in app form. All talent must have previous shoot experience please and able to take…

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White/Light blonde girl needed

Due to some scheduling changes, we now urgently need to replace one of our children who was doubling an important child role. The costume has already been made, so a size fit as close as possible is important, but the most important detail is that the colour of the hair is white or really light blonde.  Performance dates as per…

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