TWIN GIRLS aged 15-19 (plus mother?)

MOTHER (LEAD) aged 38 – 46, Southern European (e.g. Turkish/Kurdish/Greek/Italian/Spanish ) & or Mixed Heritage : Must have skilled dance or movement experience , please also note anyone with gymnastic experience too but this is not a necessity- as choreography will be incorporating dance, and the physical theatre of working with props. – A mother juggling her family’s life…

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Fraternal (male/female) twins (10 years)

Holly (female) is the twin to Jolly. Playing age of ten years old. Bright, intelligent, happy and sweet. Appears in all six episodes and has quite an amount of dialogue and able to do a very slight London accent. White.

Jolly (male) is Holly’s twin brother. Very similar characteristics. Bright, intelligent, fun, happy and has an enquiring mind. In all…

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Identical Twin Girls (5–8 years)

As the subject matter for this very important project is very sensitive its vital to find a very mature talented little actress for this role. She should be NO OLDER THAN 8 and ideally she should be petite and able to pass for 6..the younger the better, able to convey a range of expressions, she should be very NATURAL,…

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