Identical twins (Male, 16–25 years)

Searching for a pair of identical twins from 16 to 18+ years old to play 16 years old. We are searching for real life twins, not individual actors to play twins. We have to match them to the lead twin actors starring in feature film. Must have fair skin and blue eyes and preferably blond hair (or they must…

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Identical twins over 18

I’m looking to cast identical twins for a Channel 4 comedy game show that is filming in Chiswick on five dates across November and December 2024 (plus one rehearsal date).

We would love to hear from any twins who are identical, over 18s of any sex/ethnicity, able to get to London

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TWIN SISTERS 7/8yrs old

I’m looking for a talented set of twins, to play twins. It’s mostly a n/s role but there is a chance of some dialogue in a later episode. Children must be within a reasonable distance of Manchester. 

YOUNG TWIN SISTERS 7/8yrs old, brunettes, blue eyes, twin sisters. Currently appears in two episodes with a couple of lines.

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Female twins, Mixed race, early 20s

Mixed race, early 20s. Identical twins. Courageous and smart, the twins excel in their positions: one as heir to the throne and the other as head of a special defensive unit. Although they are both strong willed, hard driving and born to lead, they still have heart and compassion when it comes to people in their inner circle. LEAD

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Boy (4) Caucasian, American

Looking for an American boy (or Brit who can do perfect US accent) ideally twins, based UK, aged 3-5 to play the son of lead character in feature film.

Quick turn around because of licensing deadlines in France. To shoot in Paris and London end November onwards. Must have valid passport to travel with more than 6 months on.

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