Looking for 3 distinct looking families

This is such a fun job. Looking for 3 families to take part, who will go for a week’s holiday on the Disney Cruise ship. Please provide details of family (names, ages, location, ethnicity) and follow up with family pics. Production details Spanish looking family (Any gender, 5–45 years) We’re looking for a Spanish looking, or Spanish, or Spanish…

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REAL FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN AGED 16+ (Any gender, 16–99 years)We’re only looking to cast genuine family units so please do not submit as an individual and leave in the notes a description of their family! FAMILY – ALL GENDERS AND FAMILY SETUPS WELCOME, CHILDREN MUST BE OVER LICENSING AGEWe’re after an average middle-class UK family with natural chemistry. Preferably…

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Boy and Dad

Wasp Sting Boy and Dad (Male, 9–50 years) Would love a real acting dad with their son or acting boy with their dad. Wasp Sting Boy (9-11years). (Hopping reacting to being stung) Dad (35-50years). Both featured roles. This role may require artist to wear swimwear (on the shoot not casting). Any artist that is asked to go into the…

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Teenage Boy and Mum

Teenage Boy and Mum with sun cream (12-13 and 35–45 years) Be great to get acting mum with her actual Teenage Boy or acting teen with Mum Teenage Boy 12-13 headphones. (reacting to his mum who has sun cream). They will need to perform a patch test prior to shoot on them to show they’re not allergic. Both Mum…

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