Teenage Boy and Mum

Teenage Boy and Mum with sun cream (12-13 and 35–45 years)

Be great to get acting mum with her actual Teenage Boy or acting teen with Mum Teenage Boy 12-13 headphones. (reacting to his mum who has sun cream). They will need to perform a patch test prior to shoot on them to show they’re not allergic. Both Mum and Son are featured. This role may require artist to wear swimwear e.g. bikini, tankini, swimsuit etc. (on the shoot not casting). Any artist that is asked to go into the pool much have demonstrable swimming ability.

Would love to see some red-headed options 🙂

Please state details on app form below.

Self tape 1st round with in-person recall on 29th March in Central London
Recall 29th March (kids). Wardrobe w/c17th date tbc. SHOOT Mon 24/ tue25th April
  • Mum fee Adult featured BSF – £350 Wardrobe @ £50 Recall @ £50 Usage £3500
  • Teen fee: BSF – £180 Wardrobe @ £50 Recall @ £50 Usage £2000

Briefs may change so please check back!

If you fit the brief and we have you on Spotlight, we have already submitted you 🙂

DON’T DELAY, APPLY TODAY! As always, your TV Twins profile must be up to date with recent headshots and details relevant to this brief. Apply via the application form below.

Before you apply, please check:

✓ You’re a fully registered member of TV Twins with a live profile.

✓ You’ve not appeared in competitive advertising within the last two years.

✓ You’re legally entitled to work in the UK with relevant documents and paperwork in place.

✓ You’re available on the dates specified and can get yourself to the casting venue.

Upload clearly named relevant images to Dropbox, or add them to your Profile

    Application Form:

    In case of repeating error on submission of form, email above info to apply@tvtwins.uk

    Boot Summer (Commercial)