Black twins (5-10 years)

BLESSING & MERCY (TWINS) (Female, 5–10 years) Black. To play 7yr old twin sisters.

The spooky sisters do everything in sync. They are generally mischievous and have a habit of popping up when you least expect (or want) them to… Appear in episode 2.


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URGENT: Twins age 2-10

TODDLER: Identical twin boys or girls, aged 2-4*. Energetic, confident and cheeky.
*Specifically looking for toddlers at the potty training age or children who are older but appear younger and can convincingly portray the role.

KID MCs: Identical or non-identical twin boys or girls, aged 5-10. Expressive, love to dance and listen to music. Confident in front of the camera, with…

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Twin boys, 5-7years old

I’m working on the casting for a short film project and wondered if you might be able to help with the below kids’ brief? We’re looking for young twin boys, based in the UK, between the ages of 5-7years old.

It’s for short film, a thriller about an incarcerated young man reflecting on a turbulent past with his identical twin….

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