Siblings, cousins (5-8 yrs)

We would like you to choose a selection of your brightest and most chatty 5 to 8 year olds to self tape for us. Ideally, we would like submissions of x2 kids taping together; could be siblings, cousins, close friends etc – but we are happy to receive tapes from solo kids too. We are very keen to receive tapes from kids with regional UK accents, especially those from the North West of England; Cumbria, Lancashire, Manchester, Yorkshire. Also, all kids should be within easy reach of either London or Manchester.

For those of you that may not have done this with us before, here’s how it works – we request self tapes of kids, giving them a loose theme to talk about. Some of those children will be requested to attend a recall, held in a sound recording studio and what we record that day, might be used in the final ad. If so, then the relevent buyout amount will be paid. Should children need to attend any further recording sessions, then studio fees will be paid too.

In this latest sweet campaign, the primary media will be online, but there are options for TV, radio and cinema too.

Please don’t send us tapes of any kids who have taped for a sweet commercial before, we are looking for new submissions only! Also, please limit the amount of tapes you send – preferably join them together.

Important dates are as follows:

  • Self tape submission deadline: This Friday 1st November, 11am
  • Recall session to be held in recording studio in London (Saturday 9th November) OR Manchester (still TBC)

If children are asked to attend the recall session on the 9th, they will receive a £50 recall fee each, plus up to £50 travel expenses between them. The session will be held in London OR Manchester – location is still TBC.


(We’re not looking for the kids to have rehearsed or scripted answers – natural responses always work the best. If you can get them a bag of Haribo to inspire them then even better!)

  1. INTRO: Please tell us your name and agent. Tell us how old you are and where you live. If you are 2 children recording together – tell us what your relationship is. Then tell us a cool fact about yourself – maybe your favourite subject at school, or what hobby you like best and why.
  2. PERFORMANCE: (Part 1) Please eat a couple of pieces of Haribo and describe what they taste like – the more imaginative the better! e.g. ‘It tastes like a lightning bolt with cherry sprinkles!’ Let your imagination go wild!
    (Part 2) We’d love to hear a memory from you – it can be a story about something you remember from school or a cool holiday. It doesn’t have to be long – we’d just love to hear you share a cool memory about anything!
  3. DELIVERY: Please upload self tapes to the following dropbox folder by the deadline of 11am this Friday 1st November: Audition tapes – Dropbox

Make sure tapes are clearly labeled with talent name & agency name and that the video is a universally readable file type like .MP4 or .MOV.

Hope the above is all clear, but just shout with any questions.

Please let us know below you’re going to audition. Thanks so much, we look forward to seeing your tapes!

Briefs may change so please check back!

If you fit the brief and we have you on Spotlight, we have already submitted you 🙂

DON’T DELAY, APPLY TODAY! As always, your TV Twins profile must be up to date with recent headshots and details relevant to this brief. Apply via the application form below.

GOT A QUESTION? Us the app form below, then the agent dealing with this job can advise!

Before you apply, please check:

✓ You’re a fully registered member of TV Twins with a live profile.

✓ You’ve not appeared in competitive advertising within the last two years.

✓ You’re legally entitled to work in the UK with relevant documents and paperwork in place.

✓ You’re available on the dates specified and can get yourself to the casting venue.

Upload clearly named relevant images to Dropbox, or add them to your Profile

    Application Form:

    In case of repeating error on submission of form, email above info to