Babies (0-3 months)

Babies (0-3 months) (Any gender, Any playing age)
UPDATE – we’re now looking for younger baby options, 0-3 months only please

Suggestions with existing video will be prioritised. Please try and include name/agent/age in file names where possible.

  • Male or female, very diverse ideas please.
  • London/Southern area suggestion.
  • 8 clear working days to license.

There’s an additional, featured role that we may consider real Mums for (if they’re interested). If they appear in the casting video, that’s useful.

Shoots 12th & 13th July (likely 1 day per talent)

BSF – £180.00, Wardrobe – £50.00, Buyout – £1,080.00

FYI – If adult featured fees become applicable (for real parents) BSF £350.00 Buyout £5,500.00 – Priority will be given to babies whose parents want to be involved – please send headshots, etc… in application

    Application Form: