Black or mixed race girl (4–5 years)

ONE girl | 4-6yrs old. Quirky, characterful kids (Female, 4–5 years) Black or mixed race girl, full of confidence and chatter. 4-5yrs old girls, funny, quirky kids with attitude. A girl around 4-6 who ideally looks passable as 5 or under. These kids need to be fun and exuberant little characters who aren’t afraid of the camera. They need…

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Identical Twins (Male, 20-38)

20 – 38 years. Male. We are looking for identical twins to play the co-lead roles in this feature film. Open to suggestions of twins where only one twin is a professional actor. Please give details… Production dates: Aiming for period Sept – Nov 2023. Production location: Shooting location TBC, United Kingdom Straight Circle (Feature Film)

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