SEARCHING FOR IDENTICAL TWINS FOR AN EPISODE OF A NETFLIX SERIES CASTING BRIEF (please read carefully): MALE IDENTICAL TWINSPLAYING AGE 17-21WHITE RP/NEUTRAL SOUTH ACCENT (Please only apply if you both have/can do this accent)WE ARE OPEN TO SEEING TWINS WITHOUT ACTING EXPERIENCE The project will be paid as per industry standards SHOOT DATES: 5 days between 12th October –…

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Triplets over 18

Male or female triplets need to be visibly identical, over 18 and within reasonable distance of London (South West to be precise). As is the way with these things, the dates are now likely to be early next year, but it would be two, non-consecutive, half days for a Channel 4 comedy entertainment programme which records in London. We…

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REAL FAMILIES (16–65 years)

REAL FAMILIES (Any gender, 16–65 years) Looking for real, larger families with kids over 16, ideally with 4-7 members. This can be a large mixture of ages. We want to see real people with authentic visible connections.MINIMUM AGE 16.Talent submitted must not have any conflicts with other technology brands***IMPORTANT – PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU NOTE FAMILY SPECIFICS IN YOUR…

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Female Triplets

At the moment we don’t have fixed dates, but it would be two, non-consecutive, half days between mid-October and early November, for a Channel 4 comedy entertainment programme which records in London. We would need all three sisters for both dates. Fee and more details to follow Channel 4 comedy (Television)

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16y/o-looking identical twin girls

We are hoping to film a short advert to promote our website, and are looking for an actor to play a 16 year old.  Ideally, we are looking for twin girls who are aged 18+ but could play 16. We would be open to considering younger actresses too and would particularly like to consider any actresses from a diverse…

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