Any Twins – 20s – Influencers?

TWINS (Any gender, 22–28 years)

  • We are looking for a pair of twins, don’t have to be totally identical. Good with learning lots of lines and speaking naturally…
  • Twins from same family but with different personalities. Mid 20s. Female or male or other. Must be close and spark each other off in a fun and engaging way.
  • Rose – Tech influencer type -dresses more business-like – she’s more serious but she’s not dull
  • Emma – More hip – potentially a fashion influencer – trendy hair cut – has fun and speaks her mind – Does yoga
  • Rose introduces the tech innovation and Emma responds Emma gets excited and explains the benefits
    (Traditional straight person & comedian in a way)
  • £400bsf £10,000 buyout
Casting details: Thursday 10th June 11-3pm, Monday 14th June 10-4pm
IF KIEV: 18th June TRAVEL, 19th June WARDROBE.20 – 22nd June – SHOOT. 23-28 June – TRAVEL and QUARANTINE
IF UK 24th-26th June SHOOT