REAL SIBLINGS. Older sister aged 25, younger brother aged 20ish. We are looking for real siblings here. The kids are different, but great friends. She’s the oldest, still studying, then with a slightly younger brother who’s now at uni himself, you can tell just from the clothes he’s wearing that sport is a big deal, but he’s quick witted like his dad, and someone you want to be around. They get on, but not always. The oldest sister enjoys challenging her little brother at times – they have that instantly relatable sibling relationship. We are looking to cast as close to our characters as possible, seeking out interesting, dynamic personalities.
Real parents of these siblings would be a bonus too 😉 We are looking for real couples aged 45 – 55. We’re looking to cast four individuals that convincingly look and feel like a real family.
In person casting sessions Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September |
Production dates: Shoots w/c 10th October 2022 |
Contract info: BSF £350 Recall fee £50 Rehearsal fee £175 Wardrobe fee £50 (if on separate day to the shoot) Buyout £3k
Heathrow (Commercial) |