Due to Covid rules we need to cast a real mum, dad & 2 kids.
Mum & Dad will be the ones interacting closely with the kids. Although we would like to try and stick to the below brief, we are aware that we are casting a real family so it is harder to get the below exactly. Please apply if wife / husband or kids may not be actors but are happy to appear in this commercial in order to make the family dynamic/brief work!
We are looking for a diverse, interesting and engaging family with a strong bond who are likeable, friendly and believable. It’s important there is an on-screen chemistry between them.
Regional accents – Midlands, Merseyside, Cardiff and Manchester and beyond all welcome!! We are looking to cast nationwide for this family.
Our family consist of:
- Mum: Early forties… quintessentially Mum, likeable, warmth easy-going and perhaps too forgiving – has to swallow her pride when it comes to Deborah. But she clearly indulges in her lack of patience here – it’s all eye-rolls and sighs. She feels very easy to relate to in that sense.
- Dad: Early to mid forties, somewhat unkempt and slightly dishevelled – very likeable, endearing. Dad is constantly treading on egg-shells with Deborah – he’s indirect in tone and how he handles these situations as he tries to keep everyone sweet.
- Kids: Girl, 11-12 years old. Boy, 8/9 years old. Not twins! Warm and likeable, but they are both typical teenagers. We get a real sense of the sibling-rivalry at play: She’s texting, he’s got his VR headset on – they’ve been squabbling after a long day at school or it’s a weekend afternoon.
Also if the family are based outside of London – accommodation and travel will be provided by production.
*** Please do not apply if not part of a family unit!
We need photos, names and ages of *all* family members in application, preferably each with own TV Twins profiles – see FAQ
Please read the full brief and if you’re available, interested and fit the criteria, and your profile is up to date and live, use this application form to apply ASAP.