We’re currently working on a really exciting new project with one of our clients in the home care sector and are on the hunt for a set of twins to be part of the campaign. The project will involve a mini-series of short pieces of content for the brand’s digital and social platforms. I’d be massively grateful if you could send over any options that might fit any one of the below briefs. The creative is still TBC, hence the spread of options below, but it might be that, if the set of twins is perfect, we work the creative around them.
- Male / female identical twins, 25-35. Great rapport and chemistry, a sense of style and colour would be great and general warmth and approachability.
- Female identical twins, slightly older (maybe mid 50s – late 60s age range but we’re open) and the same as the above brief in terms of rapport, chemistry, style and traits.
It’s worth flagging that, at the moment, we’re looking to shoot either the week commencing the 17th or 24th August, in London for 3 days, so it’d be great if they were available then. We’re still at quite an early phase, so fees are still to be discussed.
Please ‘Apply to Casting Call’ below to let us know you’re interested and available. Ensure your Gallery has an up to date selection of photos (join or login first).