IDENTICAL TWINS | Girls and Boys (5–9 years)

Charming and humorous

We’re looking to cast identical twins, boys or girls, between the ages of 5 and 9. But we should stress that if they are 7 to 9, it would be better if they could pass for 5 or 6 year olds. Please see measurements below….

As always we’d like to see casting of all ethnicities, all abilities.

In terms of performance, we’re looking for children who will be able to positively engage and connect with the audience through their facial expression to camera, with the ability to also deliver a blank stare, a look of curiosity or awe.

Please look at below sizes as the children will need to fit the measurements:

  • BSF = £250 (8 hour shoot inc. 3 hours time on set + 1 hour for lunch, excludes travel to and from set, fees will not be paid for travel time)
  • Recall fee (if required) = £50
  • Wardrobe fitting fee (if required) = £50 – No additional allowance for personal wardrobe items used.
  • Usage buyout fee = £1,850

Briefs may change so please check back!

If you fit the brief and we have you on Spotlight, we have already submitted you 🙂

DON’T DELAY, APPLY TODAY! As always, your TV Twins profile must be up to date with recent headshots and details relevant to this brief. Apply via the application form below.

GOT A QUESTION? Us the app form below, then the agent dealing with this job can advise!

Before you apply, please check:

✓ You’re a fully registered member of TV Twins with a live profile.

✓ You’ve not appeared in competitive advertising within the last two years.

✓ You’re legally entitled to work in the UK with relevant documents and paperwork in place.

✓ You’re available on the dates specified and can get yourself to the casting venue.

Upload clearly named relevant images to Dropbox, or add them to your Profile

    Application Form:

    In case of repeating error on submission of form, email above info to

    M&S : BACK TO SCHOOL (Commercial)