IDENTICAL TWINS, ideally aged 8, but certainly to look no older than 9-10.
Appearance: White
New characters – they are seen together throughout TV drama series – they are lively, fearless, always madly running ahead and plunging into any situation or adventure. We are looking for twins with bags of character and personality.
Good young actors – they do have good / funny dialogue. Acting experience would be ideal, as they have a lot to do, but personality important.
ACCENT – it’s set in Kent, so soft Estuary / London accents, NOT POSH OR RP.
NO animal allergies or phobias as there are various animals (horses/birds) on set.
Casting details: On tape initially followed by zoom/in-person meetings
Production dates: Overall shoot – 25th March to 24th or 31st July 2022 – they need to be free across all 13 weeks.
Production location: Kent / Greater London
Contract info: Child contracts (according to any new Equity guidelines)
Please highlight any acting experience and accents….