NURSES (Female, 18 – 25 years old)
- Disquietingly telepathic identical twins prone to uneasy hysterical laughter. Accent: General English. Currently appears in approx. 9 scenes across 2 episodes.
- We would love to hear genuine identical twin suggestions for this role in the first instance.
Casting details: Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation we will be casting from self tapes and video meets in the first instance.
Production dates: Overall shoot dates: Shooting in Northern Ireland for approx 12 weeks between January – beginning of April 2021.
- HOWEVER – Shoot dates for these roles (with the exception of Masterson who works over 3 episodes across the entire dates) are 11th January – approx 12th February 2021 ONLY AS THEY ARE CONTAINED WITHIN THE FIRST BLOCK.
- Currently the schedule includes a week rehearsal and read-through from 4th Jan 2021, with principal photography kicking off on 11th January.
- There are three blocks of 22 days over 13 weeks for each two part “film” with an occasional Saturday. Estimated Wrap for the over shoot to finish the three blocks is 11th April 2021 in current plan.
Production location: Northern Ireland
Agreements: Equity/PACT
Please read the full brief and if you’re available, interested and fit the criteria, and your profile is up to date and live, use this application form to apply ASAP.