Fitness Daughter (Female, 4 years) For this we’re actually looking for a 3-4 year girl. Seen either in a princess outfit or perhaps a fun dinosaur outfit.
What I’d like to do for this role is to just ask you guys to upload a short video of the kids being introduced by their parents in either a princess outfit or some other type of fancy dress – whatever they’d prefer.
Audition tapes can be uploaded to this link https://www.dropbox.com/request/dNSQnoTJMyDfnmorMkCs
Please do ensure that it’s very clear who the tape is from. Both on the file name (“JaneBloggs – fitness girl – TVTwins.mov”) and also when the parents introduce the child they should tell us full name, age and who the agency is, e.g. “This is Jane Bloggs, 4 years old, represented by TVTwins“.
Please note that all suggestions need to be based in the Greater London area and must be licensable in five days.
Walk-on Fee: £180.00
Casting from self-tapes, with a possible in-person recall
Production dates: Fitting: 2nd December
Shoots: 8th & 9th December
Production location: London | Please ensure that all suggestions have a London base.