We are looking for real family groups. Perhaps the parent(s) are actors and have kids who’d like to get involved? Also looking for grandparents and grandchildren connections, real couples…. all pref in a bubble! Please email us for details info@tvtwins.uk
Particularly looking for:
2-3 siblings (Male or female, 7-11 years old)
Real siblings ages 7-11 years old. All ethnicities. A mix of boys and girls. Real siblings because of social distancing. Must be in London or have a London base. Really fast turnaround of self tapes needed and the kids must live in boroughs/ areas with very friendly councils please who can realistically get a license in under a week. Please make a note on application and ONLY suggest those you know are fully available and can license extremely quickly in these times. Shoot date: 2nd and 3rd September 2020 Shoot Fee: £200.00 per day Recall Fee: £50.00 Wardrobe Fee: £50.00 (covers own clothes or dressed on set) Chaperone: £90 Usage: £800.00 |
2-3 Siblings age 16+ (Male or female, 16 – 18 years old)
3 real siblings (or 2 if there are only 2 in the household) . All ethnicities. MUST have London base or live in London/surrounding areas please as no additional travel or accommodation will be provided. A mix of boys and girls. Real siblings because of social distancing. Ages 16+ but to look younger. MUST BE OVER LICENSING AGE. All ethnicities. Really fast turnaround of self tapes needed so please check availability for shoot and self tapes and zoom recalls before submitting (zoom recalls might be on Monday 24th or Thurs 27th Aug) Shoot date: 2nd and 3rd September 2020 Shoot Fee: £350.00 per day Recall Fee: £50.00 Wardrobe Fee: £50.00 (covers own clothes or dressed on set) Usage: £1,000.00 |
Please ‘Apply to Casting Call’ below to let us know you’re interested and available. Ensure your Gallery has an up to date selection of photos (join or login first).