We are looking for actors and their partners for an ident that focuses on their hands.
We are looking for the following:
- Asian couple’s hands, age 30s
- Caucasian couple’s hands, age 20s or in their 50s
- Black couple’s hands, age 20s or in their 50s
- Mixed race couple’s hands, age 20s, 30s or 50s
To apply:
- Please send in a video clip. We don’t want to see your faces. For the auditions can you please hold up your hands to camera in front of your chest so we see them close-up back and front. In audio can you introduce yourselves by name and briefly tell us your hobbies as you turn your hands slowly to show both sides of your hands.
- Please send in a couple of clear photos of your hands, back and front against a plain background.
- Please send a photo of you both for our references.
- Please send this along with your name, contact number and location to brief@tvtwins.uk by Saturday 21st of November.
See FAQ https://tvtwins.uk/?faq-group=self-taping
Fees if chosen: Enhanced shoot day BSF of £500 (10 hours with 1 hour break)
Please read the full brief and if you’re available, interested and fit the criteria, and your profile is up to date and live, use this application form to let us know you intend to self-tape (as above) by Saturday.