educational institution TVC – Manchester Casting (Commercial)
Please read the full brief before applying and state ages.
Production Details
- Production dates: X1 day between 14th – 16th October. max 4.5hours per performance from arrive/wrap
- Production location: Northwest , United Kingdom
- Casting Details: casting via self tapes only
Brother/Sister (Male or female, 17 – 22 years old)
Must be real brother / sister and North-west based. Must be sporty think JD SPORTS. If you are suggesting a guy please leave a sub note saying how old his sister is. If suggesting a girl please leave a sub not saying how old the brother is. **They must be a real brother and sister** Think Hoodies and Trackies. Suggestions should be North-west based. Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield ect, *Please leave a sub note saying where they are based*
FEES/USAGE Per person: BSF: £200.00 Buyout: £300.00 Travel Allocation: £20.00 Total fee: £520 Per person to include travel (northern)
Please read the full brief and if you’re available, interested and fit the criteria, and your profile is up to date and live, use this application form to apply ASAP.