Kids between 2 – 7 years old

We’re looking for a range of kids between 2 – 7 years old to play different roles in this one. Submit individually (siblings) or as twins. We’re looking for lots of character here. Kids with interesting looks. We’re keen for there to be a real mixture, so please suggest broadly. Ensuring that suggestions are very diverse. Please use notes…

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Identical Twins (Any gender, 20–35 years)

Identical Twins (Any gender, 20–35 years) Music VideoLooking for identical twins. Acting ability is important here, as well being comfortable with physical movement. Contract info: £250 SHOOT FEECasting details: CVs/Self-TapesProduction dates: Shoot Dates: 8th & 9th June (may be needed for 1 or 2 days)Production location: London. SHOOT DAY: 11 +1 hours

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Identical triplets or similar looking siblings

We are looking for identical triplets to serve as models in an exciting comedy entertainment broadcast panel show hosted by and featuring famous UK comedians and comic actors. We would also be interested in hearing from sets of three siblings with strong shared resemblances. Filming would take place over one day, between 18th – 24th June, exact date TBC….

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TWINS (Any gender, 50–55 years)

TWINS (Any gender, 50–55 years) for a Feature FilmTWIN 1 – SHOOTING IN LONDON AND BARCELONATWIN 2 – SHOOTING IN LONDON CAUCASIAN, WHITE They have a distinctive and memorable physical characteristic eg, freckles, birthmark, red hair etc. They need to be easily identifiable as we see them later in the film. Rich. Wealthy, socialites who are seen at most…

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