Mixed sex twins or close siblings (7-10years)

Lily and Charlie are twins. Ideally looking for genuine twins or siblings but please suggest any very similar pairings who might also fit this brief.Playing age: 7-8 years oldLily loves chickens- she is bright, confident, easy going and enigmatic.Charlie is very sweet- he loves knitting and is sensitive. These roles are casting this week so please ensure you get…

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VIDEO GAME SIBLINGS (Any gender, 14–16 years)

A boy and a girl preferably. Siblings playing a video game. Age 14-16. Can also be 2 brothers or 2 sisters.Should genuinely enjoy playing video games where possible.All ethnicities. Casting from self tapes initially.Shoot in London so London based / surrounding areas actors please.Kids/ teens- please suggest kids that can be licensed in time.Quick turnaround! TBC on recall. Possibly…

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TIKTOK SISTERS (12–15 years)

A group of 2-3 teenage girls. Real friends or real sistersMix of ethnicities. Fun and bubbly. Age around 13-14. They show us a tiktok dance so would like teens that genuinely do this all the time.Would be good to get real sisters or a group of real mates. Casting from self tapes initially.Shoot in London so London based /…

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(Please do not suggest anyone over the age of 13) PLEASE ONLY SUGGEST GENUINE TWINS (Identical and non-identical) RB – Clever, quiet, and non-confrontational, RB appears shy – but actually she’s frustrated: prioritising her twin CB’s needs above her own, she ends up a pressure-cooker, desperate to break out from her sister’s smothering influence, but unable to upset the…

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IDENTICAL TWINS (Any gender, 9–10 years)

We are looking for identical twin boys or girls. They MUST be age 9 or above but look preferably 6-7 years old. The reason we are casting 9 yr old twins is because they only have 1 day with many scenes to cover and limited hours on set so please only suggest if they are 9+. Please put ages…

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