TWINS OR REAL SIBLINGS (Any gender, 24–29 years)

TWINS OR REAL SIBLINGS (Any gender, 24–29 years)Maybe they’re super close siblings, perhaps identical or non-identical twins. Either way they’ve been gaming together since the glory days of Halo 3 on the Xbox 360. And even now, 15 years later, they still carve out at least one evening a week to game together in person.Would be great if we…

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Girl in fancy dress (4 years)

Fitness Daughter (Female, 4 years) For this we’re actually looking for a 3-4 year girl. Seen either in a princess outfit or perhaps a fun dinosaur outfit. What I’d like to do for this role is to just ask you guys to upload a short video of the kids being introduced by their parents in either a princess outfit…

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