Large families (Any gender, Any playing age)
We are looking for real life large families inc. grandparents, uncles, aunts etc. Diverse.
Siblings/ cousins aged 1 – 8 (Any gender, Any playing age)
Looking for real life siblings and or cousins. Aged between 1 and 8
Toddler twins (Any gender, 4 years)
Aged 3 – 4. Looking for identical twins
Couple (Male, 20–30 years)
Looking for a mid 20s gay couple. Real partners.
Groups of friends (Any gender, 12–16 years)
Looking for real life groups of friends.
OLDER MALE/ WOMAN (Any gender, 65–70 years)
Diverse options here please. Male or female. Aged 65+. Really interesting faces.
Casting: First round via self tape Due from 17th August. Shoots w/c 1st October. Please state which role and list full names, relationship and ages in the groups.
EE (Commercial)