Casting location: None – tapes and reels, United Kingdom
Production dates: 23rd & 24th August (to be confirmed) 1 shoot date per actor.
Production location: London and Brighton, United Kingdom
Contract type: Non-union – Commercially Financed
2 Project Roles
Sisters/Twins – real siblings or relatives that look like sisters (Female, 13–14 years)
Looking for good actors/real siblings in the age range who can give natural and honest responses to the storyline without dialogue. Any accent but London or South East based for travel as we need them to be able to travel safely in a family car ideally local to location as there isn’t budget for travel I’m afraid. PLEASE NOTE LOCATION AND LICENSING TIME ON SUBS
Contract info: £600.00 all in fee to cover 1 shoot day and usage. If required for 2nd shoot day – the rate is +£190.00
- £80 chaperone fee.
- £50 wardrobe fee if own wardrobe.
No casting fees or recall fees I’m afraid.
FAMILY OF 3 (Any gender, 8–16 years)
Looking to see some family units for this or cousins or close friends that look similar enough to get the sense they are a family and also to have the chemistry (we will ask them to self tape together!) – ideal ages as follows
Callum – aged 15/16 (no older unless playing down)
WITH 2 Siblings 8 – 10
Callum, 15
With his mum leaving and his dad working long days, Callum has been forced to take on looking after his two younger siblings. Initially he finds the parental role tough and he doesn’t know what to do, but he steps up and takes on the responsibility – he cares deeply for his younger siblings. He’s probably not super academic, more sporty and would normally like to spend time with his mates in the park.
Callum’s Siblings, 8 and 9
They can be girls or boys or a girl and a boy – they’re fun and hyper and a bit of a handful, two balls of energy bouncing off each other. They should have a good dynamic with each other and their older brother
Contract info: AS BEFORE