Identical Twins (Female, 5 – 7 years old)

Identical Twins (Female, 5 – 7 years old)
5 – 7 Years old
– Caucasian
– Strong presence in front of the camera
– Lively, cheeky & with big eyes
– Confident & cooperative

Casting details: Deadline: Monday, 13.01.2020 at 10:00AM
Instructions for the eCasting will be supplied on invitation.
Production dates: 27.01. – 01.02.2020 OR 03.02. – 08.02.2020 in Zurich, Switzerland. 2 Shooting Days + Arrival & Departure per person

Daughter € 1.750 FLAT
Incl. 2 Shooting Days, incl. Arrival & Departure. Incl. Buyout
Chaperone € 250 FLAT
Identical female TWINs: The twin sister will also be present on both of the shooting days and will potentially also jump in if needed.
Fee for the TWIN sister: € 450 PER DAY

Please ‘Apply to Casting Call’ below to let us know you’re interested and available. Ensure your Gallery has an up to date selection of photos (join or login first).

    Application Form: