Identical twin dancers (Female, 20 – 33)
Description: We are looking for identical twins who are great dancers. They do not have to be classically trained, just confident modern dancers. They can be 20-33 and will be aged up to 40.
Must have believable yet intriguing qualities, with aspirational features that inspire and charm. They should somehow look fragile too. We should stay away from the obvious commercial looks – the personality is the key element and really matters the most. Most importantly, they should have something unique about their personality. Not a quirk, nothing that calls attention to itself, yet a quality that is subtly real and genuine. This could be anything from a slightly different take on life to an interesting style of body language to a general demeanour that sets one apart from the crowd.
They’re the kinds of interesting traits and characteristics that make us believe that these are genuine participants in the experience and not simply someone playing it out for the camera. They should provoke thought, emotion and, eventually, the viewer’s course of action.
The actual performances will need to be understated, natural, and unassuming.
Agreements: BSF £400
Usage: TV + internet one year Finland only £1200
Travel 50% of day fee