With a very quick turn around once more, we are working on this confectionary commercial.
We are looking for energetic, imaginative children with great personalities and we are primarily interested in Southern England, Midlands and Irish (both Republic and NI) accents.
We are requesting self tapes of kids, asking them to taste and talk about Haribo. Some of those children will be requested to attend a recall, this time held in a recording studio in London. What they record that day, might be used in the final ad. If so, then the relevant buyout amount will be paid. Should children need to attend any further recording sessions, then studio fees will be paid too.
Important dates are as follows:
- This Friday 22nd November, 5pm: Self tape submission deadline.
- Saturday 30th November: Recall session to be held in recording studio in London.
- If children are asked to attend the recall session on the 30th, they will receive a £50 recall fee each, plus up to £50 travel expenses (£50 divided between them if travelling together).
With all the above in mind, we would like our brightest and most chatty 5 to 8 year olds to self tape for us. Ideally, we would like submissions of x2 kids taping together; could be siblings, cousins, close friends etc – but we are happy to receive tapes from solo kids too. As previously mentioned we are very keen to receive tapes from kids with accents from the South of England, the Midlands and with Irish accents.
Please make sure tapes are labelled clearly and sent in a universally watchable format like .MP4 or .MOV.There were some that weren’t labelled with any information and we didnt know who they were and some that couldn’t be opened, and we dont have the bandwidth to chase people.
A note from the client – they are NOT looking for overly rehearsed or overly theatrical performances, they would love to see authentic and natural responses.
1. INTRO: Please tell us your name and agent. Tell us how old you are and where you live. If you are 2 children recording together – tell us what your relationship is. Then tell us a cool fact about yourself – maybe your favourite subject at school, or what hobby you like best and why.
2. PERFORMANCE: (Part 1) Please eat a couple of pieces of Haribo and describe what they/ the taste reminds you of – the more imaginative the better! e.g. ‘It tastes like a lightning bolt with cherry sprinkles!’ Let your imagination go wild!
(Part 2) We’d love to hear a memory from you – it can be a story about something you remember from school or a cool holiday. It doesn’t have to be long – we’d just love to hear you share a cool memory about anything!
3. DELIVERY: Please upload self tapes to the following dropbox folder by the deadline of 5pm this Friday 22nd November:
Make sure tapes are clearly labeled with talent name & agency name and that the video is a universally readable file type like .MP4 or .MOV to Audition tapes – Dropbox
Hope the above is all clear, but just shout with any questions. Thanks so much, we look forward to seeing your tapes!