Two jobs already sent to registered talent fitting the brief – so don’t re-apply. Now opening them up to other applicants.
Caucasian twin girls (5yrs-10yrs)
We’re just starting on a romantic comedy and looking for caucasian twin girls – in the script they’re written as 5yrs, but have to deliver dialogue and bounce off each other / ideally have been on a set before so it’s not too daunting. Two lovely British actresses in the scene with them, but deals not closed yet. They’re being read fairy tales, so I’d say playing age wise, 5yrs-10yrs? They’re meant to be from London/Surrey.
This is of course a paid job and currently due to shoot for 3 days the week of 11 Jan in London, subject to change.
Please read full brief and if you’re available, interested and fit the criteria, and your profile is up to date and live, apply by email to workingtitle-brief@tvtwins.uk – being specific about why you’re applying.
Siblings (Any gender, 9–14 year(s))
We’re looking to submit 3 sets of siblings – 2 or 3 in each family so a twin plus another sibling! Any gender but between the ages of 9-14 years.
Please reply to this email ASAP if interested and available so we can submit your children as they need our suggestions ASAP. Profiles MUST be up to date with recent pics. Non-twin siblings need their own profile which we can link – so register them first.
- BSF £180 buyout £500
- Casting details: 23rd via zoom
- Production dates: 3rd/4th/5th Nov. London
They must be able to be licensed in 7 working days – check with your local licencing authority and update profile accordingly!
Please read full brief and if you’re available, interested and fit the criteria, and your profile is up to date and live, apply by email to siblings-brief@tvtwins.uk – being specific about why you’re applying.