T/Two (Male, 20–30 years)

We are looking for TWO black/mixed race actors aged between 20 and 30. They have to look very similar in appearance because they are the same person. But one of them has moved onto ‘success’ and ‘wealth’ whilst the other has not.Obviously they need to have amazing acting chops but also we need them to be able to move,…

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Real Family of 4

Slight change to the baby’s age, we would love them to be max 24 months. Looking for a real family of 4 for this advert, they do not need any acting experience and will just be required to hang out and have laugh together! We’d like them all to have a sense of fun, it is Christmas after all…

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In need of people who can do one these specific styles of dance.Vogue, Bone Breaking and Twerking.In an ideal world they wouldn’t necessarily look like a dancer it’s more like their hidden party trick, but please do still suggest professional dancers who can do these styles. PLEASE CAN YOU BE SPECIFIC IN YOUR NOTES ABOUT THE STYLE YOU CAN…

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