Younger Brother (TWINS) (Male, 5 – 10 years old)
As this is such a heavily featured role we would like to cast identical (or very similar looking twins) to share the part – playing age around 6-8. The boys need to be young enough to look as though they would be learning to skate but able to take direction well – could be older playing down.
Gymnastics or skateboarding experience would be VERY helpful Will be unsuccessfully repeating the same move over and over again and falling. He will be required to skate and fall onto crashmat at casting
£350 all in for shoot plus rehearsal (1 day of rehearsals & 1 Day shoot) + £800 usage buyout.
Perhaps they have an older brother:
Older Brother (Male, 12 – 16 years old)
We are looking to cast a boy over 16 who can play down. Must have skskateboarding experience.