Real Family- Grand Parents, Mum, Dad and Grandchildren (Any gender, Any playing age)
We are looking for a real family of grand parents, Mum, Dad and children. Grand children must be aged between 3-8 years old. Open to any ethnicity but with a big focus on Asian and ethnically diverse families. This family can be based anywhere in England. We want to capture real moments and emotion with this family that feel honest, relatable and uncontrived.
Self Tape Deadline: Friday 3rd September and Monday 6th September.
Recall: Monday 6th September on Zoom.
Production dates: Shoot Dates: 20th and 21st September
Recall: Monday 6th September on Zoom
Contract info:
FA BSF: £300
FA USAGE: £1500
WARDROBE: £60 (this fee includes using unlimited items of their own clothing)
STILLS – £500 fee if featured.
WALK ON: £400
WARDROBE: £60 (this fee includes using unlimited items of their own clothing)
Mum or Dad:
WALK ON: £400
WARDROBE: £60 (this fee includes using unlimited items of their own clothing)
Child 1 / Child 2:
CH BSF: £180
CH USAGE: £750
WARDROBE: £60 (this fee includes using unlimited items of their own clothing)
STILLS – £500 fee if featured.