
Covid-19 Vaccines

In order to ensure the safest possible production environment and minimise potential disruption to production schedules, many productions policies stipulate all cast members must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (i.e., having received the full course of a COVID-19 vaccination and having passed the applicable waiting period for developing immunity using that same vaccine). In furtherance of this policy, including as part of the casting / engagement process, we may seek confirmation as to vaccination status and request corresponding evidentiary support (including where we consider this necessary or otherwise prudent). Should there be a justifiable reason why cast members are unable to be fully vaccinated, we will look to discuss the situation with such cast members or (as applicable) their agents and will consider exceptions to our policy where reasonably appropriate.

Any information that we collect about COVID-19 vaccination status will be used solely for the purpose of ensuring that those productions can take place safely and will be processed on the basis of necessity for complying with employment obligations (including protecting non-employees on our premises) or necessity for reasons of public interest in the area of public health. We will retain this data for no longer than is necessary. Where we no longer need the data we will delete it.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a positive change towards giving you more control over how your data is used and how you are contacted.

In line with this, we have updated our privacy notice to reflect these changes. It details how we collect, use and store your personal information.

Privacy Policy

When you register with TV Twins, we collect some personal data. Here’s some quick examples to help make sense of it.

Why we collect it

  • Your contact details so we can contact you, submit you for relevant and appropriate castings, and include on invoices when we get you a job.
  • New registered email addresses are added to our Mailing List so we can send you job notices.
  • We would encourage you not to unsubscribe.

When we collect it

  • When you sign up for an account.
  • When you are confirmed on a job.

What we do with it

  • We might share your contact details when you’ve been confirmed on, and accepted a job, with Casting Directors or Production Companies.
  • We include your date of birth and NI# on invoices we submit on your behalf.
  • We take your privacy seriously and we won’t sell your personal data. Ever.

How we look after it

  • We have dedicated, secure servers for your personal data. These are shrouded in multiple layers of security to keep all your details safe.
  • Only you (when logged in) and our agents (with admin rights) have access to this data (which you can change/delete at any time).

Your rights

  • We only keep your data for as long as you’re registered with us. You can ask to have your data and account deleted at any time.

Your membership

  • Accounts will be removed within 1 year if inactive or incomplete.
  • Accounts have been reset from 25th May 2018, and all have been removed from our mailing list.
  • Please rejoin mailing list here or register twins here.

TV Twins UK recognises that personal privacy is an important issue, and we support the protection of internet privacy as required by UK legislation.

This statement explains what types of personal information will be gathered when you visit this website and how this information will be used. Please note that although this website provides links to other web sites, this policy only applies to our own web pages.

Personal information is neither captured nor stored through this website without the prior consent of users. Where personal information is captured (eg. through web forms for enquiries etc.), the user will be informed as to what information is being captured and why. Any personal information that you provide to us will be used only for the purpose stated at the time we request it. We will not sell, license or trade your personal information to others. We do not provide your personal information to other organisations.

In addition, some parts of the website require authentication with the use of cookies for security purposes. These cookies are not used to capture or store personal information for any purpose other than to authenticate the user, and are deleted as soon as a session is terminated.

Finally, information about the pages visited are stored for statistical analysis purposes, but individual usage patterns are not monitored.

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