Please apply only if up for an adventure in the wild. Looking for genuine outdoor types only and not fussy people who are put off by wind and rain.
Production dates: Shooting in Yorkshire for 3 x days w/c 27th Feb
Casting on Friday 17th Feb in London from 12-4pm only.
Outdoors Types (Gender not specified, 20 – 30)
Description: We are looking for x 3 men and x 3 women aged between 20 – 30 years old. They must be outdoor types and be happy to pitch a tent, light a fire, hiking in all conditions. They must be genuine outdoor types who are happy to interact with their environment while being fashionable, athletic and pretty good looking. Please bare in mind that they will be doing this for real and don’t suggest those who refuse to get out of the car if it’s too cold!!
Agreements: £ 500 per day x 3 days Total £ 1,500
Can submit twins or individuals but must have a TV Twins profile here! Email info@tvtwins.uk