They could have a playing age of early 20’s-late 30’s. Ideally Thai but we can be open to all South east Asian suggestions. Suggestions can be based anywhere in the world. We would consider self–tapes for this job.
All suggestions require a drivers license and must able to drive a manual car.
Proposed dates: TRAVEL/SHOOT Anytime between 26th March 2017 – 7th April 2017
Casting: TBC. We are searching Worldwide for these characters. Suggestions can be based anywhere in the world. We would consider self–tapes for this job.
BSF: £450/day – 11hrs (10+1hr lunch)
Travel & prep including wardrobe fitting: 4 days @ £225/day (£900)
Shoot: 5 nights shoots so double fees – 5 nights @ £900/night (£4500.00)
Over time: Day rate £90.00 / Night rate £180.00
Buyout: £3,000.00 for 12 months.
Reply to email or contact us to be submitted – with info supporting the brief