Overall filming dates are currently 19th April 2021 – approx. March 2022. They are due to film various days across the entire shoot period.
Playing age: late 20s-late 30s. Role ethnicity: Any. Accent: Neutral English. Acting roles – read brief N.B A and E are identical male twins – please only submit twins for these roles! The twins are proud, noble and dutiful members of the Kings guard: athletic, magnificent swordsmen and dutiful, polite servants to the King and Queen. They attract crowds with their impressive skills. Always present during matters of the court, as observers, messengers and solemn protectors of the crown. Sworn to cover-up the indiscretions of young noble princes, they are appalled by the fighting pits and brothels they are forced to trawl through, which makes them doubt the oaths they have taken and question their allegiance to the Crown. RECURRING ROLES: Great scenes from Episode 8 through 10, and will continue into Series 2. |
Casting via self-tape request/Zoom meet in the first instance |
Production dates:Overall filming dates: 19th April 2021 – approx March 2022. Fittings/prep/rehearsals: from February 2021. Filming location: mostly UK (Leavesden) with some dates in Spain and Portugal. |
Please read the full brief and if you’re available, interested and fit the criteria, and your profile is up to date and live, use this application form to apply ASAP.