Actor / twins (Male, 8–10 years)

Plays 8-10, Colonial American/Scottish, recurring (recast older) WE NEED A BRIGHT BOY WHO SPEAKS OR CAN LEARN A LITTLE GAELIC, WITH A SOFT SCOTTISH ACCENT, BASED IN SCOTLAND for this lovely role. Would prefer a boy with fair skin and brown eyes (though hair could be blonde to brown) to match up with our original twin. Potentially needed between…

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Identical twin girls ‘ALICE’ (8–11 years)

Still accepting audition tapes and submissions for this role. We are looking identical twin girls (8-11 years old by the time filming starts in May) to share the portrayal of the leading role of Alice in an exciting new drama for a major streaming service. Filming in Germany from May – December 2022. Alice is scripted as being WHITE…

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